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Our church logo lifts our open and affirming theology that welcomes all to experience the love of God.


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Adult Education

Adult Sunday School

Adult Sunday school is open to everyone! A variety of Bible topics are presented and discussed. This study begins each Sunday at 9:00 a.m. and lasts about one hour.


Women's Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study takes place on Monday’s from 12noon-2p.m. A variety of Bible topics are presented and discussed. These women also share a meal together each time they meet.



Children & Youth Education

Children's Church

Children's church is a time for kids to hear a Bible story, complete a craft, and share their joys and concerns together. This takes place during the sermon portion of our worship service. 


Kids Klub

Kids from kindergarten to fifth grade are welcome to participate in Kids Klub, which is a children’s youth program that meets during the school year two times per month. Kids share a meal, listen to a Bible story, learn songs, and have fun with a craft or science lesson. Children are welcome to sign-up for the whole year or come as they are able.


Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Our annual VBS takes place during the evening and is one week long, normally in the month of June. Kids from DPC and the greater community ages Pre-K to 5th grade participate in Bible lessons, crafts, and games. A light dinner is served each night.


DPC Youth Group

The DPC Youth Group meets regularly throughout the year. They share a meal and participate in activities and discussions relevant to their age group and their faith. They help with several different missions and projects at DPC throughout the year. Teens are encouraged to invite friends!

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